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The SCASFAA Executive Board would like to encourage and challenge you to volunteer and get involved with a committee this year. You can click on the name of the Committee to view the committee chairperson and members.  If you are interested in volunteering to be on any of the committees listed below, you can: update your member profile, complete the annual Volunteer Interest Survey, indicate your interest on your membership application, or simply contact the committee chairperson directly.   If you are not currently a SCASFAA Member, click "Join" to complete a membership application today! If you have questions about volunteering, check out our Facebook LIVE Video Q & A

SCASFAA Committees:

Volunteer Committee - Looking to get more involved in SCASFAA? Want to widen your network? Want to make an impact on making a great organization even stronger? Then join the Volunteer Committee where we reach out to the membership to help them make connections. This committee works to match our memberships’ interest with the committee that serves that purpose by outreach events and sending surveys to gauge where each member’s interest lies. We also work with the committee chairpersons and vice or co-chairpersons to develop leadership skills through the SCASFAA LEAD Program in a mentorship type setting. This committee meets 4-5 times a year in virtual meetings that last approximately 30 to 45 minutes each and try to have outreach opportunities during the SCASFAA conference.

Budget Committee  This committee is a Standing Committee comprised of the President, President-Elect, Immediate Past-President, the Treasurer (Chair), the Treasurer-Elect, the Sponsor Chairperson, the Conference Chairperson, Financial Planning Chairperson, a past Treasurer, and any other members deemed appropriate by the President.  Volunteers are typically past board members of the association due to the required knowledge of the association’s finances. The committee proposes the annual budget every year, reviews and evaluates fiscal policies and practices, makes recommendations concerning fiscal matters to the Executive Board, and insures budgetary health of the Association while meeting goals listed in the long-range plan.  The Committee is pulled together for meetings as needed (typically in July/August and at least quarterly). 

By-Laws Committee – If you are detail-oriented, perhaps a bit of a grammar nerd, and enjoy doing "behind the scenes" work in support of the Association, the By-Laws committee is a great fit for you. This committee ensures that the Association operates in compliance with its approved By-Laws, reviews and makes recommendations to the Executive Board concerning revisions to the Policies and Procedures Manual, and reviews and makes recommendations to the Executive Board concerning amendments to the Association's By-Laws. As changes are made to governing documents, this committee is responsible for accurately reflecting those revisions in the Policies and Procedures Manual and/or the By-Laws document. The committee generally does not need to meet in person, and the time commitment is minimal. 

Communications Committee  Do you have a creative side? Enjoy promoting information, events, and updates? If so, check out the Communications Committee! This committee is responsible for the creation and dissemination of the Association's electronic newsletter, the Palmetto Pages. The committee may also assist the Electronic Services Chair by sending posts and announcements through the listserv, website, and/or social media pages. The Communications Committee also assists the Sponsorship Chair in coordinating newsletter advertising for our sponsors. In-person meetings are normally not required. The time commitment is heavier during the production of the Palmetto Pages newsletter, which occurs three times per year.  

Conference Committee (Program) – Have you wanted to see what all goes on "behind the scenes" of SCASFAA's Annual Conference? Have you ever dreamed of being a Party Planner?  If so, this committee is for you!  The Conference Committee is tasked with planning the Association's biggest event of the year, and bringing the President's dreams to life.  The Conference Committee has a wide variety of roles - ranging from heavily involved in-person at the conference, to assisting mostly from behind the scenes from the comfort of your office.  Whether you are very outgoing or more reserved, there is a place for you on this committee!  There is typically one in-person planning meeting, and monthly (becoming weekly closer to the Conference) virtual meetings.  Because of the time-sensitive nature of ensuring information is available to members, and the conference the nitty-gritty details need to be planned well in advance, this committee does require a decent time commitment.  In addition to serving on the committee, you can also volunteer your time and assist with the Conference by being a Session Presenter and/or Moderator.

Financial Awareness Committee – The Financial Awareness Committee is tasked with developing and disseminating information concerning financial aid and financial planning topics to as wide an audience as possible. The primary targeted audience of this information, beyond SCASFAA Members, are high school guidance counselors. The committee provides assistance, as necessary, to high school guidance counselors to schedule, coordinate, and conduct financial aid workshops for students and their parents. The committee also seeks input from high school counselors and personnel concerning financial aid information and training needs, in an effort to provide the best resources possible.  The committee may also assist CHE in the planning and execution of their outreach activities, such as College Goal SC and College Application Month. The majority of the work is completed virtually or by email and is spread out throughout the year. 

Electronic Services Committee – Are you tech savvy? If so, Electronic Services is for you! The committee is responsible for the development, maintenance and enhancement of the Association's web site and all related services.  The committee also coordinates and assists with all technology-related needs of the Association at the annual conference, in conjunction with the Conference Committee. Committee members ensure the accuracy of the SCASFAA listserv and also circulate job postings on behalf of member institutions. Committee business is usually handled via email or by virtual meeting, when necessary. The majority of the Electronic Services work is completed between June and October each year, with the primary workload occurring in the weeks leading up to the annual conference, and throughout the conference itself. 

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee  The Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Committee provides sensitivity training and information to the Association as it relates to each other, the community, and the students we serve, and develops opportunities to further educate and involve SCASFAA members in community awareness activities. The committee usually coordinates a DEI session for the annual conference in conjunction with the President's goals. This committee is a great fit for those with broad worldviews who want to share information to expand knowledge concerning diverse populations and societal issues with the membership. On average, this committee meets virtually once per month for 30 to 60 minutes, and members can be as involved as they would like.  

Legislative Relations Committee – As professionals in a heavily regulated field having a strong ability to monitor, influence, interpret, and prepare for upcoming changes is critical to your department, your college, and your students.  This team stays at the forefront of state and national legislative activity important to the Association and its members.  Committee members will review, collect, and disseminate brief summaries of legislative activity that both increase your knowledge and professional growth at the same time as giving back to your profession by helping your fellow peers weed through the bombardment of legislative activity.  The committee also recommends to the Executive Board the association’s response to important legislative initiatives regarding statutes, regulations, and Notices of Proposed Rule Making.  Committee membership are also provided first choice to attend hill visits (Columbia, and DC) to actively participate in the advocacy of improving our nations and states financial aid systems and rules. Most membership communication/participation is completed via email through monitoring and updating the chair of preassigned legislative activity.  However, at the beginning of each year the group will meet virtually to divvy the workload and assign team member responsibilities.  The time commitment can vary from year to year depending on the legislative activity pertaining to federal and state financial aid. 

Long Range Planning This committee is perfect for those who love the idea of accountability and follow-through. It is responsible for identifying strengths and weaknesses of the Association and recommending actions or directives to the Executive Board that will promote the accomplishment of the goals of the Association. The committee works to ensure the goals of the current Long Range Plan are being met, and is responsible for updating the Long Range Plan every five years. Time commitment varies, but most of the work can be completed without meeting in person. 

Membership Committee Actively solicits membership in the Association from eligible individuals involved in the administration of financial aid; Ensures accuracy of the membership directory. Meetings for this committee are held using multiple platforms. This year due to the pandemic, we primarily are meeting virtual. We have follow-ups via email and call in. The initial meeting usually last about an hour. There are follow-up emails or meetings as needed. A critical responsibility of membership is reaching out to new members to make them feel welcome. Time and effort is given to work with the SCASFAA Conference chair and co-chair to plan an opening event to invite newcomers to meet and greet SCASFAA leadership. Time commitment is minimal. Most of your time will be focused on assisting with the conference and outreach to new membership. Ideas to reach new members are always welcome!

Nominations and Elections Committee The Nominations & Elections Committee is charged with recruiting the talent! So if you have ever dreamed of being in HR, now’s your chance. Seriously, the committee seeks to find candidates who will be able to further SCASFAA in its mission. Typically there are candidates need for the offices of President-Elect, Treasurer-Elect, Vice President, Member at Large, and every two years, Secretary. We seek to recruit those who are seasoned for the President Elect and Treasurer Elect positions as they require more executive board background that other offices. The committee also meets to present a balanced ballot (if possible) to the President. We seek to be as inclusive as possible based on the willingness to run for office. Typically the meeting timeframe is heavier in the fall, although the meetings are few (around three). All meetings can be done virtually or via conference call.

Professional Development Committee If you are a trainer at heart, or are at least interested in supporting the training and professional development opportunities offered by SCASFAA, look no further! The Professional Development Committee, chaired by the Vice President, plans and coordinates all training activities for the Association including the New/Intermediate Aid Officers Workshop, specialty training through NASFAA, special topic webinars, and all other training opportunities. The committee also coordinates the Association's leadership symposium and other leadership training events. At the discretion of the Vice President, this committee may meet in person once during the year, but much of the work can be handled virtually or through email. 

Site Selection Committee Would you like to have a say in where SCASFAA holds its annual conference and other events? Are you interested in learning the art of contract negotiation? If so, this is the committee for you! The Site Selection committee secures appropriate conference sites for the Association's conferences and board meetings. Works to maintain a database of possible locations for future conferences throughout the state. The committee meets approximately four times per year, usually remotely, but occasionally conducts site visits.

Special Projects Committee – The Special Projects Committee is chaired by the President-Elect. Goals and objectives of this committee change from year to year, at the discretion of the President, and are based on the current needs of the Association.  Depending on the complexity of projects assigned to the President-Elect, the committee may be more active in some years than others.  Some examples of past initiatives include: setting guidelines for Association awards, and streamlining the Executive Board's annual transition process.  

Sponsorship Committee – Without the generosity of our Sponsors, SCASFAA would not be able to offer all of the amazing opportunities we do for our members. The Sponsorship Committee is tasked with soliciting support from vendors for Association activities, by fostering existing relations, and establishing connections with potential vendors. This committee also coordinates the Sponsor/Vendor Area at the Annual SCASFAA Conference. Serving on the Sponsorship Committee is a great way to not only give back to the Association, but to collaborate and work closely with our Sponsors.

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